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How to Best Match At-Home Learning Environment to My Child's Learning Styles?

The new school year has or will be starting soon. Most, if not all, schools have opted for remote learning.

Are you ready for it?

Teachers and school administrators have been working really hard this summer in order to prepare for this new school year. With this coming year, schools have the confidence that the curriculum and structures are much more well-prepared than what has been in the past 3 months. Teachers are ready to come back to school.

So what can parents do to make this remote learning work best for us at home?

Now that we have our children at home learning remotely, it would serve us and our children in their best interests if we were to understand more on how to provide the best learning environment for them at home.

Click on this LINK and answer these 20 questions with your children to find out which type of learner they are.

For AUDITORY Learners:

Auditory learners learn by hearing and listening. If your child is an auditory learner, they understand and remember things they've heard. They store information by the way things sound. They also have an easier time understanding spoken instructions than written ones. They often learn by reading out loud because they have to hear it or speak it in order to understand it.

Here are some things that you may want to consider for auditory learners like your child.

  • For an auditory learner, prepare an environment that is as free from noise distraction as possible.

  • Have your children in their own room or space and use earphones if possible.

  • Play soothing music during free time.

  • Setting a time for exercise while playing energizing music is a great way to keep their hearts pumping.

  • Use a beeping timer to keep track of the schedule

  • Be mindful of the tone of your voice when telling kids is especially important for auditory learners.

  • A parent might be frustrated why his child isn’t doing what she’s supposed to do and raises his voice at her. As an auditory learner, sometimes the actual instruction or lesson might not be “heard” at all because the actual volume of the message delivery already overrides the message itself.

For VISUAL Learners:

If your child is a visual learner, they learn by reading or seeing pictures. They understand and remember things best by sight. They like to picture what they've learned in their head because they learn best by using methods that are primarily visual. You like to see what you're learning by demonstrations, pictures, or graphics.

Here are some things you may want to consider for a child who is a visual learner.

  • Make use of the wall spaces to post printouts or posters of key learning concepts on the wall

  • Make sure the lighting in the room is suitable for reading.

  • Color-coordinating the surrounding will create a serene learning environment.

  • Remind the child to take frequent breaks from the screen to avoid sensory overload.

  • Use curtains or partition device to block out any visual distractions

  • Consider hooking up the computer to a larger screen.

  • Leave post-it notes or letters around the house to send messages to your child instead of telling them verbally.

For TACTILE Learners:

Tactile learners learn best by touching and doing. If your child is primarily a tactile learner, they understand and remember things through physical movement. A tactile learner is a “hands-on" learner who prefers to move, touch, build, draw what they learn. They also learn better when they're doing something physical.

Top Row (from Left to Right):

Middle Row (from Left to Right):

Bottom Row (from Left to Right):

Here are some things you may want to consider for a child who is a tactile learner.

  • Make sure the chair your child sits on is comfortable.

  • Having a fabric/texture that they like will enhance their comfort level tremendously.

  • Look into using a non-traditional chair, like a yoga ball or a soft pad.

  • Having an ergonomic table and chair set would facilitate good sitting postures.

  • Organize all the writing utensils and supplies nearby.

  • Set up separate areas for reading, homework, and play.

  • Don’t forget to give your child an encouraging hug to cheer them on.

School and learning is such an essential part of our child’s life and will have an effect on their lives for years to come. We hope this post on homeschooling room ideas just does a small part in helping kids to have a successful year!

Do you have any other ideas that we should add to the list?

PLEASE let us know in the comment section below!

We would love to hear from you!


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