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Why Emotions Matter?

Why do emotions matter in parenting?

Why do emotions matter at all?

As we go through life, we would notice and even encounter conflicts all around us: from sibling rivalry or spousal quarrels to family feuds, from tiffs between neighbors to workplace disputes, from political dissensions to warfare.

If you take a closer look at these disagreements, you will notice that the heart of most social disengagements is actually related to EMOTIONS.

It is the misreading of the emotions.

It is the misinterpreting of the emotions.

It is the irregulating of the emotions.

When a child is upset, if we do not learn their physiological signals or teach them how to express their frustration properly, this feeling of discontent will start to build up and eventually turns habitual and becomes a behavioral issue or a character trait.

Emotional development is a complex process that begins in infancy and continues into adulthood. Emotional regulation takes place in the prefrontal cortex region of the brain, which isn't fully developed until the mid-twenties. This means emotional regulation can be hard for all children. Some children, such as those with autism or ADHD, may struggle significantly with this skill.

In order to regulate emotions, you will need to know how to be aware of these:

1. Identifying Emotions

Help your child learn the words to the emotions they are feeling. Your child needs to know what they are experiencing.

2. Expressing and Understanding Emotions

They need to understand why they feel that way and have some sort of means of expressing that.

3. Responding to (rather than Reacting to) Emotions

Our response to their emotions should match the size of the problem. For example, spilling their milk is a minor blip that may be slightly frustrating and inconvenient but should not have a big emotional response. On the other hand, if a loved one getting into a car accident, then it warrants a bigger problem and would expect a larger emotional response.

4. Using Healthy and Calming Strategies to Manage Emotions

Our physiology is greatly linked and affected by our emotions. When we are feeling distressed, our heart rate increases, palms sweat, stomach nauseated. Helping our bodies to remain calm and getting back to their regulated state plays a huge role in emotional awareness and regulation.

The most challenging task in parenting is dealing with the assorted emotional outbursts of our children. What we can do is giving the ropes to our children to help them learn how to be aware of their feelings and regulate their emotions so that they can become well-adjusted individuals.

What are some emotions your child has that you’re having trouble dealing with?

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