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歡迎來到 同理市™
同理市™ 正受到邪惡壞蛋古比的攻擊!
當古比 (Goobi) 四處徘徊伺機下手時,它會從下水道爬出來,對市民施展令人混亂焦慮的情緒咒語,讓城市街道一片通紅。

超級英雄特攻隊將 一起合作恢復和平,讓每個城市街道回復正常,


Power to see through another's eyes,
hear what another hear, and walk in another's shoes, and feel what another feel

Power of resolving social conflicts to create win-win resolutions

Power of generating comforting and
soothing vibes with positive and encouraging words

Power of enhanced sense to read non-verbal signs and facial expression

Heightened awareness to sense oncoming danger or nefarious acts, strong to resistance negative emotions